Saturday, August 12, 2006

Well, I was going to post a Thursday poem, but after thinking long and hard I decided not to, because it could be read and interpreted in the wrong way by two people who are very dear to me. And partly also because posting it would have tipped this blog well and truly into the 'angst' cliche category.

Still, writing that poem stripped back a couple of layers that I didn't realise were still havning around. I'm feeling really light and free at the moment. I'm even enjoying not wearing my greenstone. Though I did take it into work today to talk to Angela about getting it restrung.

But I'm not in the mood for being seriousness, so instead some frivolity and pampering. Fancy a pina colada bath?

The Ingredients
1 can coconut milk
3 tablespoons baking soda
Shot of rum
1 1/2 cups pineapple juice

Pour coconut milk into a running bath. Add baking soda, then pineapple juice, then rum. Get into bath and lie there thinking about all those nights spent dancing on the bar at your local trashy nightclub, singing "April Sun in Cuba". Now you KNOW we've all been there...

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