Saturday, April 03, 2010

NaPoWriMo #3

Another Read Write Poem prompt. It's late and I just got home from seeing Alice in 3D. I have a headache and, although it's been a good day, I'm tired. I can't concentrate enough to write anything serious today. I thought about writing a haiku, but I'll save that as my get out of jail free card when I really need it later in the month. This is just a silly trifle, but it's another day ticked!

There were spiders
on the windowsill
and snakes on the floor,
Clowns in the hallway
and monsters behind the door.

She knew she shouldn't be afraid,
She knew she should be brave.
She knew that it was fear
That her darkest
Thoughts always craved.

So she kept on walking onwards,
She faced the demons in the night
She never let them beat her
And in the end she found
Her braver self was right.

The bats turned out to be birds
Flying free in the night sky,
The goblins turned to fairies
When seen in the first rays
of early morning light.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I've heard that 3-D movies can be quite bad news for people whose eyesight is not in sync with the way the movie works - not all people with imperfect eyesight, but a good proportion. So I've decided not to chance it.

As for the timezone issues - what I did was to use an old prompt (a Wordle) for April 1st, then each day I am using the readwritepoem prompt that went up the evening before - so my day 2 poem is the day 1 prompt etc. Then I post my link on the correct day ie my day 2 poem on the day 2 post. Once I'm back to work after the long weekend, I'll probably be "writing" mostly on my walk to and from work, and in my coffee breaks, so I can't wait for the prompt to go up before I begin writing.
So - I intend to do 31 poems in all and that will cover April both in NZ and the US