Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I found my legs

They were hiding in a 6.30a.m. RPM class and they weren't very happy with me! Things hurt a bit ...

I went on and did 11.10 Balance despite the sore legs, but was very glad to finish the class knowing that I wasn't planning any more leggy stuff until tonight. I made sure I got plenty of sleep last night and got up to do an upper body weights session this morning. I was feeling really keen to get to the gym and yet reluctant to get out of my nice warm bed at the same time. I forced myself to get up anyway and by the time I got to the gym I was feeling really psyched. Needless to say my weights session went really well!

Unfortunately though my morning's gym visit ended badly when the showers proved to be out of hot water. By around 8.00a.m. they tend to be a bit lukewarm, but this morning they were completely cold. I splashed myself a bit but couldn't make myself get completely under the water. Luckily I wasn't terribly sweaty, having only done the upper body weights. Afterwards I went downstairs to grumble a bit to the nice guy on reception, even though I knew my complaints wouldn't go anywhere. Luckily the maintenance man happened to be walking past at that exact moment and he headed off up the stairs to see what was going on. Nice! Really, it isn't acceptable for a gym to be running out of hot water. The fact that they often run out of towels is bad enough ...

So tonight I'm down for another run with Sarah, Sally and co. My legs are still a little sore but they're no worse than Monday so it will be interesting to see how I go. I've done a lot of hill runs lately though so I'm hoping someone will suggest a slightly flatter route. It's lovely out there right now so a run around the Bays would be ideal.

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