Monday, June 16, 2008

Just for a change - Poetry!

Photo courtesy of B29 Flickr group

While You Sleep
Awake the lines
on your face suggest
wear like paint
on the side of our
villa where sea spray
carried on Southerlies
has ground clear
through to the
harder beauty of
Kauri underneath.
Asleep there is
something soft, an
easing akin to the
sun that shone
when we were
young, the dreams
and hopes that were
then still warm and
fresh and as charming
as they were naïve.
And yet I love the
both of you. I
would not want to
repair the past
nor attempt to
paint over the future.
You are day and
night and I savour
the dawn and the
twilight of you

In response to a Read Write Poem prompt that took a little while to take hold.


gautami tripathy said...

'You are day and
night and I savour
the dawn and the
twilight of you

I like these lines..

she hoards trash

Anonymous said...

Just like the speaker in the poem we're allowed here to see the dawn that's both present and not present in the twilight. This is a lovely work.

Lirone said...

"I would not want to repair the past nor attempt to paint over the future."

This line stood out for me... very wise!

Anonymous said...

I like the words "sea spray." Lovely image.

paisley said...

what a lovely poem.. filled not only with love,, but also acceptance.. and sometimes i think that can be a much truer version of what we so thinly veil as love......

Anonymous said...

that was a beauty... i love to secretly take pictures of loved ones and friends when their asleep...