In the stoic shoulder of
red, the soft arm
unused to manual labour
In the quiet refusal
of that which would
be given, the integrity
of Karmic accumulation.
What is the power
wielded here against such
gentle determination?
Photo courtesy of Racole.red, the soft arm
unused to manual labour
In the quiet refusal
of that which would
be given, the integrity
of Karmic accumulation.
What is the power
wielded here against such
gentle determination?
More writing on the theme of power here.
Cool poem. And all the best to them.
I'm not really one for poetry as you might have guessed since I don't usually comment on your 'scribblings'. Nice one though and thought provoking.
Hope you're feeling better & will be running soon.
Powerful poem.
Would that question be answered?
Excellent, thought provoking poem
Your poem made me think. Very fine work, indeed. Thank you.
Yes. Which act is the more powerful in reality? This whole situation saddens my heart so much.
Well poemed response to the idiocies that seem to be in charge of the world. Power to the Monks!
How and when did world peace, human rights,civil rights and woemn's rights become dangerous issue?
When those addicted to absolute powersaw these issues as threats to their power.
A wonderful poem.
Genial fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
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