Tuesday, September 06, 2011

One week till we leave for Europe

Three and a half weeks till the Budapest marathon.

The training's been going well. I ran 35k on Saturday, incorporating the Havelock North half marathon, and was playing beach cricket that afternoon. The travel plans took a while to come together thanks to both H and I being chronic procrastinators, but they're locked in now. Holland, London, Budapest, Italy.

This blog has been sadly neglected, but there will be lots to report on over the coming month!


www.FindingLana.blogspot.com said...

Okay, you're not a procrastinator...you just someone who works exceedingly well under pressure. :-)

I love coming over for a visit. Thanks for reading about my struggle with my purse. haha.

Til next time, I'm wishing the best for you!


www.FarmLifeLessons.blogspot.com said...

I am so excited for you!! Write when you can...am eager to hear all about the exciting details!! Stay safe!


Debbie said...

Hey, I found no other to contact you. I was looking through Google about using spin classes to train for a century and read about your friend who did a century with just spin classes and thought it would be great to connect with her. My email is gatordeb@gmail.com. Thanks, Debbie :)

Debbie said...

Hey, I found no other to contact you. I was looking through Google about using spin classes to train for a century and read about your friend who did a century with just spin classes and thought it would be great to connect with her. My email is gatordeb@gmail.com. Thanks, Debbie :)

Pip said...

Hi Debbie. Sorry I haven't been round my blog for a while. The woman who trained for a century in spin classes was the partner of one of the gym trainers, and unfortunately I'm not in touch with him any more. I hope your training's going well.