Friday, May 14, 2010

Tap Tap, Hello?

Just a quick note to say sorry for disappearing, and yes I will be back. I owe you an update. To briefly summarise, I'm back running with the Jog Squad and have had three training sessions with Duck. My fitness levels are returning reassuringly quickly, even if it did take several days for me to be able to straighten my arms after our first workout in Central Park. Duck's also had the squad doing lots of high intensity stuff (hello eight stair climb repeats and eight hill sprint repeats) which is really helping.

Psychologically I'm doing a lot better, physically I'm learning to work around my vision and balance issues. I'm even considering attempting to get back on the bike. I'm also planning big. Hamish and I had always said we want to get out of New Zealand while the Rugby World Cup is in town next year. I've been looking for a convenient European marathon and it looks like Berlin might be a goer. I wanted to do a larger international marathon and Berlin has 40,000 participants, plus you get to run through the Brandenburg Gate.

As I'm sitting here it's raining outside on a surprisingly warm Friday night. After a couple of glasses of wine and a curry (not quite what I had planned) I'm hydrating in preparation for our first 'long' squad run in the morning. I'm going to run with the half marathon girls, even though I'm only planning on doing the Harbour Capital 10k. I'm confident I can hang with the slower members of the group over the distance, however opting for the longer run means I have to be at Te Papa and ready to go at 7.40. All that and Hamish and I are supposed to be going out tomorrow night. I have a funny feeling something is going to give!


Unknown said...

You're back!!!! Thanks for the update and congratulations on the progress!! Very exciting!!

:) Dusty

Kate said...

Welcome back :) Hope you are having a good run out there now!