Saturday, May 17, 2008

More Please!

After weeks of cold and wet and wind Wellington turned on the charm offensive this morning, just in time for Lola and I to ride around the Bays with Julia. After breaking my 'no wine on a Friday night' rule I was feeling pretty lethargic, and Julia was feeling in a similar bent. As we looked out at the mirror-calm harbour basking in the sun it was easy to decide on an easy cruise around the Bays.

We ended up having a lovely ride. There was hardly any traffic further out so we got to ride two-abreast a lot of the time, chatting away and admiring the scenery. I debated a variety of layers, but ended up settling on a short-sleeved polyprop under my shirt, arm warmers and Duck's sleeveless cycling vest. The layers worked well, and I warmed up quickly.

That isn't to say the ride went smoothly. We left Freyberg and had only managed a few kilometres when Julia got a flat, right outside the cafe at Greta Point. After three CO2 cannisters and some energetic pumping we discovered that the new tube was faulty. Another tube worked ok and we managed to get enough air in using the hand pump to make it to Burkes Cycles in Kilbirnie to get it pumped up properly. By the time we got the tire changed I was chilled to the bone and my legs were all goose-bumpy, so it was great to be moving again.

From Kilbirnie we cut through to Lyall Bay and headed towards the Pass of Branda. It really was a stunning day. I was happy to find my cycle legs again and to be taking it easy, but I sped up the Pass at a good pace, then almost stopped at the top as the view of the harbour unfolded below me.

Once through the pass we hit a Northerly, so it was into a headwind all the way back to Freyberg. We picked the pace up a bit and were back at Freyberg surprisingly quickly. A quick lemon, honey and ginger drink at Parade, and it was off to get some groceries and drag Hamish out into the sun.

So, a short ride today but a welcome return to the bike. We agreed that it would have been a good day for the Makara loop or for a ride out to Eastbourne, so perhaps we'll do one of those next time.

Oh, and I think my face is sunburned.
And the weather's supposed to be good for my run tomorrow as well!

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